Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sorry I have not done entries

Sorry I have not sent entries to the Blog but I have been very busy working on the Book and the River Rats Celebrity Weekend being played at Lakeside Golf Course in Beverly , Ohio on June 14th. The first five chapters after the Publishers request for a new format. "If You Wore the Uniform: You're a Brown!", will no longer be be a "Playboy Style" interview. I have a writer working very hard to get the book back in form. The Publisher has me slated for a Dec. 2009 release date. I will tell you more as the information is fed back to me by David Gray.
Back to the golf tournament, we have several players coming back and some new first timers also. If anyone is interested in participating or just wanting to come for autographs please feel free to contact me. Have a great week and please feel free to come back often as I need to get off my butt and keep this Blog interesting.
The picture to the left is a cover from a 50's program of a game between the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

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