Thursday, August 27, 2009

A New Season is Upon Us and Thank You

Since the close of the Pro-Bowl I have been waiting for football season, especially for the Cleveland Browns Season to open. I am blessed to have good friends on the Browns staff, players I call friends, the River Rats Browns Backers, Shannon and Darline and other Browns fans to get me through to our opener. Tony Dick is the heart and soul of the Browns Alumni Staff, with Dino resigning and staying on as a consultant, Bob and Tony will have a gruling time setting the Alumni into tournaments and functions but I have faith in them both. Tony has been a good friend for 5 years now and Bob in the 2 years. I thank them many time throughout the year helping me with pictures and talking to players for me. I thank them. Every player that comes to Marietta to play in the River Rats Celebrity Tournament are one of the main reasons we make the money we make for the kids, thank you one and all. The River Rats pump me up to want to make things happen, to watch the Bronw take the field and to take the time to set up events to help our various charities. Thanks River Rats. Shannon is the one that prodded me to get off my dead ass and do something. She made the statement that I should write a book. I have and am very proud of what is being revised by her as we speak. Thanks Shannon. Darline has always been there for me, when I screw up she is there to pick up the pieces and make me who;e again. She has seen through the good friendship Shannon and I have and has allowed me to work and accomplish my goals. I love you Darline. Browns fans amaze me every day. I get calls, I get emails, I have people stop me on the street to discuss all facets of Cleveland Browns History to whether it will be Quinn or Anderson? I thank you all. My life has felt full enough to make me motivated in life. I was tired, i was very tired and this new start to my life is gtoing to make the world so much more enjoyable. If you think I had fn and was a wild man before wait until my transformation. I want to live life to the fullest of my power. Go Browns!!!

Here are a few pictures from our June 2009 Celebrity Tournament

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